Sunday, December 19, 2010

CDWC raises over 500 LBS. of pet food for local shelters !!!!

Recently, CDWC participated in a pet food drive during the first twelve days in December. Unsure of what to expect as this was the first time, I am THRILLED to announce that CDWC raised 500 LBS of pet food. This food was donated to Charleston Animal Society, Pet Helpers, and the Francis R. Willis SPCA. Such an overwhelming feeling to give to animals in need. Thank you to all who helped make this a successful pet food drive!!

Tailgate packet to the brim with puppy, adult dog, kitten, and adult kitten food...Off to shelters to share the good news!

1st stop, Charleston Animal Society
Thank goodness for the dolly on wheels!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Charleston Dog Walkers for helping those less fortunate furry friends! We love you...Charleston Animal Society
